It was billed as a Young Adult Gathering, but what transpired Wednesday night was an evening filled with thoughtful discussion of what it means to build out a faith life as a young adult, before experiencing Taizé prayer — and all alongside Viatorian professed who have committed themselves to accompanying young people on their faith journey.

Br. Peter Lamick, right, chats with one participant.
Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, Director of Vocation Ministry, hosted the evening along with Pre-Associate Dan Masterton, Coordinator of Pastoral Ministries for the Viatorians.
“These young people had gathered from colleges in Chicago, Iowa, Wisconsin and Florida,” Dan said, “and yet their insights in our discussion resonated with one another. It was clear that even though they’ve gone out far and wide, they all have these strong Viatorian roots in common.”

Young people and professed Viatorians prepare for Taizé.
Much of their early discussion revolved around how to take charge of their faith lives, including having openness, availability and staying in touch with Viatorians who had taught them.
Imagine their surprise, then, when they entered the chapel at the Viatorian Province Center, they were greeted by some of those Viatorians who had inspired them, including Fr. Corey Brost, CSV, Br. Michael Gosch, CSV, and Br. Rob Robertson, CSV.
“It was pretty special to walk into the chapel with our young adults and mix in with our brothers and priests,” Dan added. “The way Viatorian professed, associates and youth come together so easily for ministry, service and prayer is a constant blessing for all of us.”

Taizé Prayer
The evening concluded with the reverent experience of Taizé Prayer. It was Fr. Corey who first introduced the prayer style to the Viatorian Community, 25 years ago, in 1999, and it continues to move people with its chant-like music, intermittent silence and all in a candlelit setting.
“Those that come, without exception, tell me they find a remarkable peace during the evening,” Fr. Corey says. “It’s a wonderful way to connect with God. The music and the ritual seem to open people up so that they experience God’s love and peaceful presence.”