A coalition led by the Conference of Major Superiors of Men and other faith communities had a major success recently as the Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act passed the 2018 Congress and was just signed by the President into law. This bill requires training of Foreign Service Officers and mandates reporting on prevention efforts by key U.S. agencies.
Eli McCarthy, who directs peace and justice initiatives for CMSM wrote members to update them of the bill’s success.
He cited their next opportunity as the Global Fragility and Violence Reduction Act. This bill nearly passed at the end of 2018 and is ripe for passage early in 2019. It would require the U.S. government – in collaboration with global civil society – to develop a 10-year strategy to bring down current levels of global violence and better address the root causes of violence, violent conflict, and fragility that drive recurrent global crises.
McCarthy urged members to Contact Congress to move this act forward.
Read more about the group’s peace and justice action items, including about ways to advance corporate accountability, as well ways to accompany Honduran immigrants and ecumenical advocacy.