In these challenging times of adapting to all of the pandemic restrictions, Viatorians present a new way for young people to come together: Viatorian Youth Connection, or VYConnect.
It’s fashioned somewhat along the lines of our Viatorian Youth Congress — which was cancelled this summer out of COVID concerns — only presented through the Zoom platform. The day will gather teens into large and small groups — and all led by former VYC young adult leaders.

Former VYC leaders brainstorm over VYConnect
Better yet, it’s condensed into one day, with roughly three hours of talks, large-group activities and small-group discussions, and capped by a livestreamed Taizé prayer service that night. Fr. Corey Brost, CSV, will give the day’s main talk, but also look for a skit by our leaders as well as unique prayer experiences and opportunities to break into small groups for some faith sharing.
Interested? All high school aged young people are invited to join us this Monday, August 3 for a virtual day of Viatorian fellowship. Contact your local school or parish minister for the link and password to our Zoom gathering. Already, Br. John Eustice, CSV, has drawn interest from young people at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas, St. Viator Parish in Chicago, Saint Viator High School and from teens at its schools in Colombia.
This new venture comes builds on the success of the weekly Masses celebrated via the Zoom platform. Br. John credits the Viatorian Young Adult board with coming up with innovative ways of engaging teens on their spiritual journeys.
“This format is something we hope to continue doing,” Br. John says, “like over holidays and breaks in school. It’s a great way to keep young people connected.”