One of the main pillars of the Viatorian Community is to accompany young people in their faith development, and that mission was on full display last month in Tunja, Colombia. Viatorians at Colegio San Viator collaborated with other religious communities to host a one-day retreat, designed around the theme: “Open your heart and raise your voice to God.”

Br. Juan Carlos Ubaque, left, and Alexander Estrada welcome young people.
This event drew 430 young people from the Colegio San Viator in Tunja and other schools in the surrounding are of the capital of Boyacá. It was organized by the Vocation Ministry of Viatorians in Colombia as well as the Campus Ministry at Colegio San Viator.
The retreat took place in the main auditorium of Santo Tomas University. Br. Juan Carlos Ubaque, CSV, Director of Vocations, described the youth meeting as a way to provide space for reflection and internalization of the motivations of life.
Viatorians collaborated with Dominicans, the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent, the Scalabrians missionaries, the Hospitallers of St. John of God, the Montfort Fathers, the Auxiliary Priestly Sisters, the Xaverian Missionaries and the Sisters of Charity of St. Anne during the event.
In his welcoming remarks, Fr. Fredy Contreras, CSV, Rector of Colegio San Viator, emphasized the importance of young people in today’s world and their role as agents of change within society and the Church.

The event was lively and thought provoking.
The main speaker was Alexander Estrada, who with a fresh style motivated the young people to meet with themselves and with God, in order to discover the voice of the Lord, who continues to call people to happiness and service.
Following the retreat, members of the vocation ministry team welcomed young people who are in discernment in the Foundation of Colombia to participate in workshops of human and spiritual formation. The idea was to help them make a sincere discernment in light of their personal history and the Lord’s invitation.
Learn more about all the ways the Viatorians minister in Colombia from their website, here.