One of the core principles of the Viatorians’ vision statement is to

Fr. Dan Hall, front, Fr. William Haesaert, right, and Fr. Mick Egan, back left, all process in.
build up communities of faith. That commitment was on full display Saturday, when Viatorians gathered with parishioners at St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Henderson, NV, to celebrate the many years they walked together in faith.
“It’s a celebration of 35 years of shaping the community — and of great ministry,” said Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV, Provincial.
Bishop George Thomas, Bishop of Las Vegas, officiated at the liturgy, and he commended the Viatorians for nurturing a tiny mustard seed of a faith community into the vibrant parish it is today.
“For three and one half decades, the parishioners of Henderson have been the beneficiary of the selfless and visionary presence of Viatorian leadership,” Bishop Thomas said. “With and through their loving care, the parish has grown and flourished from a nascent
community of 15 Catholics to a vibrant community of 6,000 families.”

Fr. Patrick Render enjoyed seeing his former parishioners.
The opening procession included the many Viatorians who had led the parish as pastors and associate pastors, including: Fr. Thomas Long, founding pastor, as well as Fr. Daniel Nolan, Fr. Michael Keliher, Fr. Patrick Render, Fr. Lawrence Lentz, Fr. Mick Egan, Fr. Alan Syslo and Bishop Christopher Glancy.

Fr. Tom Long, founding pastor, was on hand to celebrate.
Concelebrating with them was the new pastor, Fr. Bede Wevita. Fr. Tokha T. Hoang, C.Ss.R., associate pastor, will be coming soon.
“We continue to have a strong legacy here,” Fr. Hall added, “in all of our Viatorian associates who are active in ministry here.”

Viatorian associates will continue to advance the mission at the parish.