Bishop Christopher Glancy, CSV lays hands on Jhobany Orduz, CSV as part of his ordination to the priesthood.
Bishop Christopher Glancy, CSV ordained Fr. Jhobany Orduz, CSV on Saturday, February 22, at Parroquia San Viator in Bogotá, Colombia. Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial, and over two dozen professed Viatorians concelebrated and witnessed to the Mass of ordination. Fr. Orduz is the third Viatorian ordained a priest in our province in the last twelve months.
“The whole ceremony was very touching. My community gathered in that place for a reason – because God gave to the Catholic Church one more reason to believe in his hope in humanity,” Fr. Orduz said, noting he received messages from Viatorians in France, Spain, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, and Chile and students at Cristo Rey St. Martin in Waukegan, Illinois, to name a few.
Fr. Orduz is a native of Cúcuta, Colombia. Viatorians established our foundation in Colombia in 1961, and native vocations have been steady over the last several years: Fr. Juan Carlos Ubaque, CSV was ordained a priest a few months ago; Br. Carlos Suárez, CSV recently professed first vows; and three men are in Colombia’s pre-novitiate. Fr. Orduz celebrated Mass for the first time on Sunday morning.
“Both Jhobany’s ordination and the first Mass at St. Viator Parish in Bogotá were joyous celebrations that brought together Viatorians from the United States and Colombia, his family from Cucutá, Colombia, as well as people Jhobany had ministered to in the Bourbonnais/Kankakee region,” Fr. Francis said. “It was evident that everyone present felt blessed by the ordination of this new priest whose ministry had already touched so many lives.”
Fr. Orduz professed first vows in Colombia in 2014, and after serving in some ministries there, he came to the United States for further graduate studies and priestly formation. In Spring 2024, he graduated from Catholic Theological Union, a graduate school of theology and ministry in Chicago co-sponsored by the Viatorians. Associate Kim Martinez and Fr. John Eustice, CSV also completed master’s degrees last year and graduated along with him, and Fr. Eustice and Fr. Orduz enjoyed a pilgrimage and study trip together.

Fr. Edgar Suárez, CSV and Fr. Dan Hall, CSV assist Fr. Jhobany Orduz, CSV with his priestly vestments during his ordination Mass, while Bishop Christopher Glancy, CSV and Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial, look on.
Following his ordination to the transitional diaconate last year, Fr. Orduz served at Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, a Viatorian parish in Bourbonnais, Illinois. He worked with Fr. Jason Nesbit, CSV, pastor, and Fr. Moses Mesh, CSV, parochial vicar, who had also worked with Fr. John during his time as a transitional deacon the year before. Fr. Jhobany lives at the St. Patrick Church rectory in neighboring Kankakee with Fr. John Peeters, CSV, pastor, and Fr. Patrick Render, CSV, parish administrator for St. George Parish in Bourbonnais.
Fr. Jhobany served all around the area, including preaching in English and Spanish at several neighboring parishes and interning as a hospital chaplain at Riverside Medical Center.
“In many ways, Jhobany represents a person who has embraced what Pope Francis has called ‘missionary discipleship.’ He opted to move out of his culture, come to the United States, and work in a new language and learn new ways of ministering,” Fr. Francis said. “As someone who began his training for priesthood in Colombia and completed it at CTU in Chicago, he has an important perspective that enables him to be a bridge between the Hispanic community and the wider U.S. culture. This experience will help him to serve with effectiveness and joy in future assignments in both the U.S. and Colombia.”
Fr. Orduz spent eleven years as a Viatorian brother before ordination, and now his ministries and placements will continue living out our charism while adding his capacity to celebrate Sacraments. “I can’t believe that it’s already eleven years. I have a life in front of me, and the Lord is the only one who can guide my steps. I have been working where God has sent me. So I don’t know what will be next, but all these years have been a growing process of learning and faith in God’s mercy,” Fr. Orduz said.

Fr. Jhobany Orduz, CSV celebrates his first Mass with several Viatorian priests concelebrating.
Br. Rob Robertson, CSV, was among the Viatorians present, and by his count, about half of the professed Viatorians of the Province of Chicago were gathered for the weekend. Fr. Orduz will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving back in the United States next month. All are welcome to gather at Maternity BVM Church on Saturday, March 22 at 4:30pm, with a reception following Mass.
Congratulations, Fr. Jhobany!

A large-group photo of the many American and Colombian Viatorian brothers and priests who came together to celebrate Fr. Jhobany’s ordination and first Mass.