Pre-Associate Dan Masterton helps coordinate vocation ministry for the Viatorians, and on the side he is a speaker and author specializing in retreat ministry for young people.

Dan Masterton
Increasingly, he is taking another approach to exploring faith and spirituality: fiction writing.
His second book, Abundance, Not Scarcity, follows the story of Noah, who admits that his life and his relationship with God is broken. During the book, readers follow him from a monastery to a hilltop hike and everywhere in between to see what he finds with God.
“This story is a response to the question of multi-potentiality,” Dan says. “If God has given each of us lots of different gifts and capacities, what do we do? How do we decide? What path do we walk? What if we get stagnant or overwhelmed and paralyzed by it all?”
Dan regularly presents to members of the National Catholic Education Association and next week he and Br. John Eustice, CSV, vocation ministry coordinator for the Viatorians, will have a booth at the Las Vegas Diocesan Conference. Last year’s conference sold out, with 800 people in attendance. They included people of all ages and cultures, including men, women, catechists, seminarians, professed and lay associates.
Dan began working in Viatorian vocations in 2019. Together with Br. John, they promote religious life through these direct presentations and virtual reflections, social media, podcast episodes and in print publications.

Dan Masterton, left, and Br. John Eustice
Still writing, Masterton says, is a much-loved hobby: “It sustains my sanity, helps me practice some skills after the kids go to sleep, and gives me a fun outlet for spiritual and creative energies.”
Order a copy of the book, here, or listen for free to his audiobook podcast chapters via Apple, Spotify, or Google.