Bishop Gregory W. Gordon, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Las Vegas, was on hand Monday to dedicate the newest building at Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas: a 40,000 square foot Gaughan Family Student Union.

Fr. Tom von Behren and Fr. Richard Rinn point to the Viatorians on the tribute wall.
Bishop Gordon went room to room dedicating the individual spaces, including its broadcast media center, an expanded innovation lab, an oratory lab featuring a courtroom set-up and speech and debate classroom, and a student lounge and coffee shop.
Included in these new student gathering spaces is the Clerics of St. Viator Gallery. Located on the second floor, in front of a bay of windows, the open lounge area overlooks the first floor and is named for the Viatorians.
The dedication and blessing drew 200 invited guests, including Fr. Richard Rinn, CSV, Assistant Provincial, and Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, Treasurer for the Viatorian Community. Both had previously served as presidents of Bishop Gorman High School. They represented the Viatorians when the Bishop Gorman administration recognized — on a prominent donor wall — all the significant donors who had contributed to the new building.
It was a fitting way to recognize the Viatorian legacy at the school. The high school is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year, dating back to 1954, when the Viatorian Community was tapped to administer what would be the first Catholic high school in Southern Nevada.
Consequently, Viatorians were among the founding faculty and administration when the school opened, and some of its associates continue to work at the school, including Associate Kathy Keating, a fine arts teacher; Associate Kim Martinez who teaches religion, and Associate Bridget Michlik, Advancement Director.

Open lounge area named for the Viatorians
Viatorians would run the high school for the next 45 years and were involved in creating its mission and values, namely to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, prepare students for higher education, and create a community where service is valued and celebrated.