Now that Fr. John Eustice, CSV, is back at Saint Viator High School and director of Campus Ministry, he is doing all he can to heighten awareness of the Viatorian identity of the school.

Fr. John Eustice, right, and Associate Brigette Brankin greet students.
Take last week’s sophomore retreat. It was described as a day of reflection, as the other three classes had an e-learning day, while the sophomores and the more than 50 juniors, seniors and faculty volunteers spread out across the building while they reflected on God’s gifts in their lives.
Included among the volunteers were all the Viatorians who work at the school, including: Associates Cathy Abrahamian, Brigette Brankin, Kurt Paprocki and Ann Perez, as well as Br. Rob Robertson, CSV, and Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, Director of Vocations and a 2007 alumnus of the school.
Structured activities, including small and large group sessions, took place in the Cahill Gym, the Querbes Dining Hall, the Academic Commons and the Alumni Memorial Chapel.

Associate Ann Perez
But as students and their leaders reflected on God’s gifts, they did so through the lens of the Venerable Louis Querbes, founder of the Viatorian, who lived out his faith with great zeal. Even his tombstone in Vourles, France describes him as a “priest of great zeal, selfless and admirable charity.”

Br. Rob Robertson, Associate Kurt Paprocki and Br. Peter Lamick, back, accompany students to Querbes Hall.
Students learned how Viatorians around the world strive to follow the example set by Fr. Querbes, who put “faith in action.” Specifically, they draw inspiration from some of his expressions: “Look at zeal; it is love that is more intense, more alive, more ardent; it is yours. Zeal is nothing less than divine love set in motion….it is tenderness, compassion, humility…zeal is charity in its fullest expression.”
This was the second year for the sophomore retreat and it turned out to be impactful, as Saint Viator students learned more about the identity of the Viatorians and the ways in which they can share their gifts with zeal in the world.