In a liturgy of profession steeped in tradition, the Viatorian Community welcomed two new religious

Fr. Dan Hall, left, accepts the perpetual vows made by Br. Juan Carlos Ubaque, center, and Br. Jhobony Orduz, right.
brothers: Br. Jhobony Orduz, CSV, and Br. Juan Carlos Ubaque, CSV.
Both are natives of Colombia, who were drawn to the Viatorians because of their educational mission and their longstanding commitment to the people of this South American country.
They professed their perpetual, or final, vows — of poverty, chastity and obedience — on Sept. 8 in Tunja, before Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV, acting provincial. A highlight of the ceremony was receiving their rings, which are engraved with the Viatorian logo and all Viatorians wear on their right hand.
Among those in attendance were Fr. Frank Enciso, CSV, Fr. Luis Eduardo López, CSV, and Fr. Pedro Herrera, CSV, who had mentored both young religious through their formation.

Br. Juan Carlos Ubaque, CSV
“Welcoming these new religious brothers is a sign of the presence of Fr. Luis Querbes in our world today,” said Fr. Herrera, president of Colegio San Viator in Tunja, Colombia. “It also is a reminder to each one of us Viatorians to be witnesses of our sense of belonging to our community.”

Br. Jhobony Orduz, CSV
Both of these brothers already are serving the Viatorian Community. Br. Juan Carlos works in Campus Ministry at Colegio San Viator in Tunja, while Br. Jhobany formerly taught engineering and served in administration at the Universidad Catolicá de Colombia. Currently, he is living in Arlington Heights, while he completes an intensive course in English as a Second Language.
These new Viatorians personify one of the priorities recently agreed upon at the General Chapter meeting of the worldwide Viatorian Community. They are revitalizing the entire community by the way they live out their vocation: with joy.