Br. Hilary Guay, CSV, died Oct. 1, 1869 in Bourbonnais, IL from typhoid fever. He was 24.
Br. Guay was born Sept. 27, 1845 in Montreal, Canada. At the young age of 15, he entered the Viatorian novitiate on April 30, 1861 in Joliette, Quebec, Canada. He made his first profession of vows on Aug. 17, 1862 and renewed them Aug. 10, 1867.
In August of 1867, Br. Guay was assigned to the United States to work at the new Viatorian mission in Bourbonnais, IL. Early on, he became ill and returned to his native Canada. One year later, he returned again to Bourbonnais to teach at St. Viator College, but passed a little over a year later.
Br. Guay was laid to rest in the original church yard cemetery at Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Bourbonnais.