Holy Week was a busy one for Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais, as parishioners joined with Viatorians in entering the Easter Triduum, the holiest time of the liturgical year.

Fr. Jason Nesbit, Fr. Moses Mesh and Br. John Eustice
From Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper, to Stations of the Cross on Friday and the Lord’s Passion; to the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday and four Easter Masses on Sunday, Viatorians were there.
“Our celebration of Easter reminds us that the darkness of evil and hatred will never have the last say,” said Fr. Jason Nesbit, CSV, Pastor. “The resurrection of Jesus proclaims the ultimate triumph of light over darkness and goodness over evil.
“It’s important to know that even if we are enduring difficult times, we choose joy, we choose life,” he added, “and we hold out hope that we will always look forward to the resurrection.”
Viatorians have maintained a presence at Maternity since the end of the Civil War, when Fr. Peter Beaudoin and Brothers Bernard and Martell arrived from Montreal to serve the parish. It would be the first congregation that Viatorians would serve in this country, and they have remained there ever since.

(L-R) Fr. Dudley Pierre, Br. Rob Robertson, Br. Marc-Innocent Prophète and Br. Peter Lamick
Their commitment to the parish and its parishioners was evident over Easter, with as many as four Viatorians around the altar, including: Br. John Eustice, CSV, Deacon; Fr. Moses Mesh, CSV, Parochial Vicar; Fr. Jason; and Fr. Daniel Lydon, CSV.
More Viatorians were in the congregation to celebrate with parishioners: Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, Fr. Dudley Pierre, CSV, Br. Marc-Innocent Prophète, CSV, Br. Rob Robertson, CSV, and Associate Hector Obregon-Luna.
“We are Easter People,” Fr. Jason said in describing his parishioners and the Viatorians who accompany them. “We are people who share the good news and radiate the light of Christ and the love of Christ to all.”