It’s been described as a meditative service, one that opens people up to God’s love and peaceful presence. However you describe it, Taizé prayer returns for the 25th year to Arlington Heights.

Taizé Prayer started in the Province Center Chapel in 1999.
The intimate prayer service takes place at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, in the Alumni Memorial Chapel at Saint Viator High School. While Taizé traditionally has taken place in the Province Center Chapel, it starts out this fall at the high school due to renovation efforts underway at the Province Center.
“It’s necessary,” says Fr. John Eustice, CSV, simply. “Taizé was designed for — and with — young people. It includes praying a litany for young people. It’s just very Viatorian, processing the word of God to — and with — young people, and praying for people on the margins.”
Future dates at Saint Viator include: Oct. 23, Nov. 20, Dec. 18, Jan. 22, Feb. 19, March 19, April 16 and May 21.
It has been nearly four years since Viatorians in Arlington Heights hosted Taizé. Though they attempted to livestream the prayer service during the pandemic, it didn’t seem to offer the same deeply spiritual experience. Attending Taizé in person offers a meditative service that includes periods of silence with readings from Scripture, prayers of praise and intercession, and the frequent repetition of simple, contemplative music, or chants, based on the Psalms.
“Those that come, without exception, tell me they find a remarkable peace during the evening,” says Fr. Corey Brost, CSV, who first introduced Taizé to the Viatorian Community, back in 1999,

Associate Karen Cutler is one of several associates involved in bringing back Taizé.
“It’s a wonderful way to connect with God,” he adds. “The music and the ritual seem to open people up so that they experience God’s love and peaceful presence.”
A big part of a Taizé prayer service is the candles. The chapel is dimmed and lit only by candlelight and at one point each person in attendance is given a taper to bring forward, symbolizing bringing the light of Christ into the world.
“Between the singing, praying the litany, the chants and all in a darkened room,” Fr. John adds, “Taizé just engages the senses in a different spiritual way.”