For the first time in the 25 years that Viatorians have offered Taizé prayer services, they drew a packed house. At last month’s candlelit service, held at Saint Viator High School, organizers filled every seat in the chapel, or more than 200. Those that came included students — both from Saint Viator and from Cristo Rey St. Martin — as well as adults.

Students hold candles that symbolize the light of Christ around them.
“The chapel was reverently silent throughout the hourlong service and many of the students commented afterwards that it was a moving experience and something they had never been a part of,” says Br. Rob Robertson, CSV. “They were especially moved by everyone walking forward and placing their candles into the containers on the altar and saying a prayer.”
Along with Br. Rob, Viatorians on hand that night included Associates Ann Perez and Barbara D’Urso as well as Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, and Fr. John Eustice, CSV. They hope to draw another big crowd at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18.
“With all of the candles, it’s a powerful way to see the light coming out of darkness, during Advent,” Fr. John says.
Taizé prayer offers a meditative service that includes periods of silence with readings from Scripture, prayers of praise and intercession, and the frequent repetition of simple, contemplative music, or chants, based on the Psalms.
“Those that come, without exception, tell me they find a remarkable peace during the evening,” says Fr. Corey Brost, CSV, who first introduced Taizé to the Viatorian Community, back in 1999,
“It’s a wonderful way to connect with God,” he adds. “The music and the ritual seem to open people up so that they experience God’s love and peaceful presence.”
For most of its 25 years, Taizé prayer has taken place in the intimate confines of the Province Center chapel. This year, it moved to Saint Viator while the Province Center undergoes renovations, consequently high school religion teachers and those in Campus Ministry looked for ways to draw students to experience the healing power of Taizé.
“Teachers offered a few points of extra credit,” Br. Rob says, “but students also had to do some research about Taizé and write a reflection on their experience. The goal was for them to experience the service and hopefully return.
“We heard much positive feedback from those who attended,” he adds, “and we hope this will be an experience they will want to continue as we provide opportunities to nourish their spiritual life here at Saint Viator.”