Viatorians have served at St. George Parish in Bourbonnais since 1832 and its identity as a Viatorian parish is evident throughout: inside the church, on the grounds, on its website, bulletin and even in the newest building added, the Fr. Querbes Youth Ministry Center.

Confirmation students and their families listen to Br. Peter.
Consequently, Fr. Daniel Belanger, CSV, Pastor, likes to bring in other Viatorians when he can. That was the case on Sunday, when he invited Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, to share some thoughts with eighth grade confirmation students and their families at Mass.
At 35, Br. Peter is the youngest professed Viatorian in this country and he relates well to students of all ages. He also serves as Director of Vocation Ministry for the Viatorians and he deliberately seeks out ways to accompany young people on their faith journeys.
During Mass, Br. Peter shared some reflections about the importance of prayer as the center of a grounded faith life.
“It’s always good to bring in a different teaching perspective,” Fr. Dan says. “Peter’s was calm and reflective, while mine is, well, a little animated.”

Confreres Br. Peter Lamick and Fr. Dan Belanger
Preparation for the sacrament of confirmation starts in the fall at St. George, as parents and eighth graders learn what is required. For the next several months, they will study the message and mission of Jesus Christ, learn through teaching Masses and complete community service projects.
St. George officials describe the parish’s commitment to confirmation on their website: “The Christian life is an ongoing journey. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and reaffirm our baptismal commitment to the Mission of Christ. The Spirit comes to us, enabling and empowering us to live as fully initiated members of the Catholic Church and sons and daughters of God who extend the message of Christ to the world.”