On this 23rd anniversary of 9/11, students at Saint Viator High School opened the day, lifting up in prayer the memory of Mary Lenz Weiman, a 1976 graduate of Sacred Heart of Mary High School, which merged with Saint Viator in 1987.

Mary Lenz, Sacred Heart of Mary Class of 1976
As far as school officials know she is only alumnus from the St. Viator/Sacred Heart of Mary Alumni Association who died that day. Wieman was a successful marketing executive with AON Corporation, who was in the South Tower at the World Trade Center when it collapsed.
Two years ago, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the tragedy, Fr. Dan Lydon, CSV, wrote a prayer that remembers — and describes Weiman to students — and all those that lost their lives on 9/11. Saint Viator High School students read the same prayer today.