After a nationwide search, Saint Viator High School named its new president today: Mr. Ryan Aiello. Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, Saint Viator’s Chief Administrator, made the announcement to the faculty this afternoon and a letter from Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Chairman of the Board of Governors, went out immediately afterwards to current parents and alumni.

Mr. Ryan Aiello
Currently, Mr. Aiello is principal of Eastside Catholic School in suburban Seattle, however he brings a 20-year career to the role, serving as a teacher, coach and administrator. He also has worked in partnership with Eastside’s president, in the areas of admissions, development, marketing, finance, planning and governance.
“Mr. Aiello is a mission-focused, student-centered visionary whose approach to leadership has been described as highly collaborative and consultative, wanting to ensure that all voices are heard,” Fr. Francis said. “His energy and enthusiasm for education are matched by his devotion to the Catholic faith.”
When Mr. Aiello starts his new position on July 1, he will be the 12th president at Saint Viator High School since its opening in 1961. Here’s a look back at the legacy of his predecessors, as presented in our 2021 Viator newsletter: