The Viatorian Community lost one of its newest associates this month with the passing of

Associate John Paulik
John Paulik. Though he had made his first commitment less than two years ago, it came after a dozen years of working alongside of the Viatorians and advancing their charism, as a theology teacher at Saint Viator High School.
Mr. Paulik passed away April 9 after a one-year battle with cancer. He was 61.
“John was a man entirely dedicated to the Eucharist,” said Br. John Eustice, CSV, who visited with him often. “How fitting that he returned to God on Holy Thursday.”

Associate John Paulik, center, with Associates Chris and Ann Perez, left, Chris Guckwa and Barbara D’Urso, right in April 2018 when they made their first commitments
Among the classes Mr. Paulik taught were Catholic Exploration of the Bible to sophomores and Fundamentals of a Catholic Faith to freshmen, a topic he surely modeled.
“He enjoyed teaching freshmen. He liked their enthusiasm and helping them focus on what was essential in our faith,” says Associate Barbara D’Urso, former theology department chair. “Students recognized his deep faith and love for the church and his commitment to social justice, especially in the areas of the environment and the problem of hunger in the world.”

Associate John Paulik
Students worked along side of him at school in the Recycling Club, they attended Quest and Kairos retreats with him and they served beside him during the summer Service & Song Camps.
They remembered his love of classical music — which he sometimes played in class — and his push-up challenges, which he always won.
Fittingly, in 2016, his colleagues on the faculty voted him to award him the school’s most prestigious honor, its Fr. Louis Querbes Award, for the person who best best exemplifies the spirit and mission of the Saint Viator Community.
He will be missed.