On the anniversary of the death of Fr. Louis Querbes, who founded the Viatorian Community, three Viatorian schools used the date — and the latest technology — to come together and learn more about one another.
The virtual exchange took place Sept. 1, on Querbes Day, between Colegio San Viator in Tunja, Colombia, Cristo Rey St. Viator in North Las Vegas and Saint Viator High School in Arlington Heights. Students at each school planned a short presentation, sharing a little about their schools, cities and cultures.
“We’ve just embarked on something good,” said Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, President of Cristo Rey St. Viator.
Together with Br. Carlos Florez, CSV, Director of Admissions and Recruiting for the school, they assembled a team of students who made a presentation about their school and its Viatorian identity to share with their counterparts.
“It was a wonderful exchange among these three schools and our students, sharing a Google Meets moment around Fr. Querbes — and our individual school cultures and cities,” Fr. von Behren added.
Fr. Pedro Herrera, CSV, President of Colegio San Viator in Tunja worked with Br. John Avellaneda, CSV, who is a pastoral team member at the school and passionate about helping students put their faith into action and learn more about their Viatorian identity.
“It was an experience that allowed us to overcome borders and physical distances,” Br. Avellaneda said, “demonstrating that Fr. Luis Querbes is not gone, but continues to live in each of our students.”
At Saint Viator High School, Fr. Daniel Lydon, CSV, President, worked with Associate Kurt Paprocki and his advanced Spanish students to participate in the exchange.
“It was a great opportunity,” Fr. von Behren said, “for all three schools to build Viatorian bonds around our educational mission.”