For only the second time, members of the Viatorian Community gathered in Las Vegas for their Provincial Assembly. The timing was key.
Community members — associates, brothers and priests — celebrated the 60th anniversary of Viatorians serving in Nevada, and the 15th anniversary of the community expanding to include lay associates.
“We celebrate a continued growth of our community,” said Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, provincial.
During the assembly, the more than 80 participants reflected on the theme of “hospitality” as it relates to the Viatorian charism.
“If hospitality is about mutual reverence, then we must respond by putting Christ at the center of our lives — personally and as a community,” said Dr. Regina Wolfe, associate professor of Catholic Theological Ethics at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, who served as keynote speaker.
In all, 11 associates recommitted during the three-day gathering, while five Viatorian priests and brothers celebrated their jubilees, which amounted to a collective 227 years of religious life.
“Suffice it to say,” said Fr. Lawrence Lentz, CSV, assistant provincial, who presided over the jubilarian Mass and reached 50 years of religious life himself, “we have had a wonderful life.”