Fr. Edgar Suarez, CSV, arrived in Las Vegas Sunday, this time to stay. While he has made several visits over the last six months, he now has moved in and will begin immersing himself in his new parish, St. Viator Catholic Community, in preparation to assume the role of pastor on July 1.

These Viatorians will support Fr. Suarez, including (clockwise from left) Associate Kathy Underwood, Fr. Tom von Behren, Fr. Bill Haesaert, Associate Deacon Mike Underwood, Principal Katie Kiss and Fr. Dan Belanger.
The move is a big one. Fr. Suarez is a native of Bogotá, who served as pastor of San Viator Parish in Bogotá for more than 11 years, literally building the church — with the help of its more than 1,000 families — from the ground up. He has spent the last several months studying English, while living with his Viatorian confreres at the Province Center in Arlington Heights. Still, acclimating to his new parish will be a challenge, but he won’t be alone.
He will be working alongside Fr. Richard Rinn, CSV, pastor of St. Viator for the last 25 years, as well as Fr. Dan Belanger, CSV, its new Parochial Vicar; Fr. Lawrence Lentz, CSV, Parochial Assistant; Associate Deacon Michael Underwood, Associate Rosy Hartz, Youth Faith Formation Coordinator; and Fr. Bill Haesaert, CSV, who is retired.
Another group of associates advance the charism in St. Viator School, including Associates Paul Mertzman, Vice Principal; Mary Ellen Dorough, fifth grade teacher; and Janet Manfredi, first grade teacher; as well as Pre-Associate Jen Jones, a kindergarten teacher.

Associate Paul Mertzman, Pre-Associate Jen Jones, and Associates Janet Manfredi and Mary Ellen Dorough
“This will be a great challenge for me mainly because of the language, the culture and the new pastoral model, but I assume it with great hope and excitement,” Fr. Suarez says. “Trusting in Divine Providence, and with the help of my Viatorian brothers and associates, and in the closeness and patience of the laity of the parish community, I am full of hope.”
Fr. Suarez continues the strong Viatorian presence in the parish, which Viatorians established 70 years ago. He celebrated 25 years as a Viatorian last year and 20 years of priesthood in June. Most of his years have been spent in pastoral ministry. However, his first five years as a Viatorian were spent in education, as a religion teacher, chaplain and head of the pastoral team, at Colegio San Viator in Bogotá.
“In my new assignment at St. Viator Parish and School, my vision as an educator and priest are intertwined to form an environment of learning and spiritual growth,” Fr. Suarez says. “From my administrative and teaching experience, as well as in the management of leadership processes, I am excited to contribute to this new experience.”