Delegates to the 31st General Chapter — gathered for the last two weeks in Ariccia, Italy, near Rome — held an election this morning for their next Superior General. Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, Superior General, presided over the session and began their deliberation with a prayer to the Holy Spirit.

Fr. Nestor Fils-Aimé, leading a pilgrimage as Provincial of Canada (Photo by Mélanie Émond)
Then, in this decades’ old tradition, delegates were handed a paper ballot, on which only one name could be entered. After the counting, Fr. Nestor Fils-Aimé, CSV, emerged with an absolute majority and was elected. Asked by Fr. Egan if he accepted, he replied “Oui j’accepte,” or “Yes, I accept.”
According to firsthand accounts, a resounding applause filled the room and greetings followed, as Fr. Fils-Aimé received well wishes and he began to talk to delegates about their interest in joining his Council.
Fr. Fils-Aimė is a native of Haiti. He first met the Viatorians when the religious in Canada expanded to include a foundation in Haiti. He entered the congregation in 1986 and was among the first two Haitian Viatorians to be ordained, in 1988.
Fr. Fils-Aimė has worked in educational and parish ministry, but in recent years he has served as Provincial Superior of the Province of Canada (2014-2023). Among his accomplishments is the collaborative work between provinces to resurrect Villa Manrèse, a former vibrant retreat center in Port-au-Prince that was demolished in an earthquake in 2010. It now has been renamed Villa Viateur.

Fr. Robert M. Egan warmly congratulates Fr. Fills-Aimé
He also demonstrated his creativity in 2022 when Fr. Fils-Aimė led a group of Viatorians in Canada on a historic pilgrimage, that retraced the journey of the first three Viatorians who traveled from France to bring the Viatorian Community to Canada.
“It was in an atmosphere of communion that, all together, religious and associate Viatorians, collaborators and friends, we made the 175th anniversary pilgrimage,” Fr. Fils-Aimé said at the time, in describing the journey.
Look for Fr. Fils-Aimé to bring that same spirit of collaboration and communion to his leadership as the first pastor of the Viatorian Community.