Pre-Associate Paul Mertzman has spent his entire teaching career in Catholic schools, but it was at his second school, Sts. Peter and Paul in Cincinnati that he made a memorable connection. Mertzman taught language arts to middle school students before eventually serving as principal. While there, his direct supervisor was Kathleen Daulton, and their paths would cross again.

Assistant Principal Paul Mertzman greets students and their families.
After several years Daulton moved to Las Vegas — and Mertzman and his wife, Liz, soon relocated as well. Mertzman suffers from severe allergies and his allergist suggested a less humid climate. Consequently, the couple moved to Las Vegas in 2003.
“While looking for a job, I visited the local elementary schools and when I walked into St. Viator Parish School, there stood Kathleen Daulton,” Mertzman says. “We reminisced about times back in Ohio and parted ways since there were no openings at St. Viator at that time.”
He began teaching at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School in Las Vegas, and later became principal at St. Christopher Catholic School in North Las Vegas. Eventually, Mertzman was ready to move back to the classroom, and as luck would have it, a position opened at St. Viator. He jumped at the opportunity and taught middle school social studies for seven years before slowly transitioning back into administration, now serving as Vice Principal.
Mertzman is in his second year in the administration and he was on hand, with Principal Katie Kiss, to welcome students back to school last month. And his joy was contagious.

Principal Katie Kiss with Kathleen Daulton, now the Superintendent for Catholic School in the Las Vegas Diocese
“I have found my favorite job now,” Mertzman says. “From that very first day I stepped onto the St. Viator School ground in 2003, I knew St. Viator was a very special place. It had a very welcoming feeling. After working here, I discovered it is the Viatorian influence that has made this place so special.”
Mertzman found the Viatorian mission so compelling, he now is discerning to become a Viatorian associate. He and his wife joined the parish, and Mertzman serves as a Eucharistic minister and as a hospitality minister, while his wife is also a hospitality minister.
“St. Viator School has become my home,” Mertzman says, “and St. Viator Parish has become both our homes.”