After months of fundraising, parishioners from Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais leave Wednesday for their weeklong mission trip to Belize. Fr. Jason Nesbit, CSV, Pastor, blessed the more than 30 team members making the trip at the 11 a.m. Mass on Sunday.

Fr. Moises Mesh, far left, and Fr. Jason Nesbit, far right, with team members as they ship supplies to Belize
“This is an amazing opportunity to live our parish mission of becoming missionary disciples,” Fr. Jason said.
Specifically, the group is planning to provide hands-on service through projects that include building a pair of homes, assisting teachers through workshops and equipment, and providing much needed supplies to local families.
Fr. Moises Mesh, CSV, Parochial Vicar of the parish since 2021 inspired the group. He is a native of Belize and the first Viatorian ordained from that country. Fr. Moises introduced Music Director Chris Lord to former Viatorian Associate Rafael Cobb and his nonprofit, Compassion Belize, which is dedicated to breaking the chains of poverty in Corozal Town, Belize.

Fr. Moses Mesh with Rafael Cobb
Compassion Belize is similar to Habitat for Humanity, in that volunteers from Maternity will be working alongside local residents in building a house, stocking their food pantry and delivering aid to residents. With funds raised from Maternity, Rafael and his foundation have already prepared the foundation and purchased needed materials for two houses the group now will build.
The team will start their trip in Corozal Town, where they will enjoy a dinner and reception hosed by St. Francis Xavier Church, the parish where Viatorians served from 1998 to 2013. The next day, they will travel to the village of Chunox and meet Fr. Moises’ family. They also will visit with school children there and lead them in song, while other volunteers meet with contractors.
Friday, Jan. 10 is a day of construction and collaboration. Some of the volunteers will lead a workshop that has drawn 225 teachers from 19 schools to register. The professional development sessions will include lessons on the ukulele — donated by Maternity parishioners and students from Bishop McNamara Catholic School — enabling teachers to share their new musical skills with their students.

Ukuleles stamped with Maternity BVM logo
That same day, the rest of the volunteers will work on the homes, including one for a family of five and a side dwelling for an elderly woman who will live next to her daughter. Finally, they will work to build a room for a female teacher in nearby Fireburn. Work on these residences will continue for the next few days, while volunteers also shop for food pantry items and clothes for local families.
Chris Lord calls their impending departure, “a time of grace.”
“God has clearly been in charge as this amazing mission has unfolded,” Chris says. “Sometimes it is hard to believe how wonderful it has manifested. And the best is yet to come!”