No matter where Viatorians serve around the world, they all will pause today, Oct. 21, to celebrate the feast of the patron of the community, St. Viator.
The celebrations started early in Arlington Heights, where Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial celebrated Mass Saturday with professed and associates to remember their patron saint. The Mass also included the first commitment of Associate Jennifer Anderson, who graduated from Saint Viator High School, sent her children there and now works at the school. Fr. Francis also used the occasion to institute the ministries of lector and acolyte on Br. John Avellaneda, CSV.

Br. John Avellaneda, Associate Jen Anderson and Fr. Mark Francis
“It’s appropriate that we confer these two ministries on St. Viator Day,” Fr. Francis said. “They cause us to reflect on our founder, Fr. Querbes, who described the Viatorian mission as the ‘Teaching of Christian Doctrine and Service of the Holy Altar.’ ”
An all-school Mass took place at Bishop Gorman High School, which Viatorians opened 70 years ago. But the school had not acknowledged St. Viator Day since the Viatorians left the school, until today.
Fr. Jacob Knee, school chaplain asked Associate Kim Martinez, a religion teacher, to prepare a Mass for St. Viator Day. Fr. Dan Belanger, CSV, Parochial Vicar at nearby St. Viator Catholic Community concelebrated the Mass, which drew associates from the area and members of the Viator Youth Group at the parish to participate.

(L-R) Associates Kim Martinez and Kathy Keating, Fr. Dan Belanger, and Associates Rosy Hartz and Bridget Michlik
Fr. Belanger’s homily reflected on the historical and continuing presence of the Viatorians, both vowed and associates, and the effect that presence has created on Bishop Gorman’s campus.
Over at Saint Viator High School, Fr. Corey Brost, CSV, a former president and faculty member of the school concelebrated an all-school Mass with Fr. John Eustice, CSV, director of Campus Ministry and Fr. Francis. They processed in behind Viatorian associates, both those that work in the school and others from the area.
Fr. Brost spoke of the Venerable Louis Querbes, founder of the Viatorians and his choice of patron for his new community, St. Viator, but he highlighted how they sought out young people and reached out to those accounted of little importance. He encouraged students to look for ways to serve others, including classmates when they are going through rough times.

Fr. Corey Brost and Fr. John Eustice welcome students at Saint Viator High School.
“Fr. Querbes and St. Viator lived a life of service,” Fr. Brost said, “and that’s what we are called to do.”