It has been less than a month since Fr. Edgar Suarez, CSV, moved to Las Vegas in preparation for becoming the next pastor of St. Viator Catholic Community. Yet, he is not letting any grass grow under his feet. Since arriving, he has met with parishioners, different ministries, staff and Viatorian associates active in the parish.

Students work in an assembly line to fill the care packages.
His latest introduction came Sunday, when he celebrated Mass and met afterwards with confirmation students. Under the guidance of Associate Rosy Hartz, who is the Youth Faith Formation Coordinator for the parish, the teens meet regularly for instruction and service projects.
On Sunday, they worked in assembly line fashion to put together bags for a golf outing on Friday that will raise money the Injured Police Officers’ Fund in Las Vegas. Associate Paul Hartz, Rosy’s husband, has worked in law enforcement in Las Vegas for more than 20 years. He is chairing the golf outing and he explained to the teens that all money raised will go directly to helping the families of injured law officers..
After Mass and their service project, the confirmation students had a chance to visit with Fr. Edgar. They learned he is a native of Bogotá, who served as pastor of San Viator Parish in Bogotá for more than 11 years, literally building the church — with the help of its more than 1,000 families — from the ground up.

Associate Paul Hartz describes the Injured Police Officers’ Fund.
His command of the English language is strong after he has spent the last several months in intensive classes, while living with his Viatorian confreres at the Province Center in Arlington Heights.
“This will be a great challenge for me mainly because of the language, the culture and the new pastoral model, but I assume it with great hope and excitement,” Fr. Suarez said of his new assignment. “Trusting in Divine Providence, and with the help of my Viatorian brothers and associates, and in the closeness and patience of the laity of the parish community, I am full of hope.”
Fr. Edgar continues the strong Viatorian presence in the parish, which Viatorians established 70 years ago. He celebrated 25 years as a Viatorian last year and 20 years of priesthood in June. Most of his years have been spent in pastoral ministry. However, his first five years as a Viatorian were spent in education, as a religion teacher, chaplain and head of the pastoral team, at Colegio San Viator in Bogotá.

Filled care packages
“In my new assignment at St. Viator Parish and School, my vision as an educator and priest are intertwined to form an environment of learning and spiritual growth,” Fr. Suarez says. “From my administrative and teaching experience, as well as in the management of leadership processes, I am excited to contribute to this new experience.”