The international identity of the Viatorian Community is alive and well, if a recent visit is any indication.

(L-R) Fr. John Peeters, translator, with Fr. Claudio Rios, tour guide Job Sanchez, Br. Benoit Tremblay and Fr. Carlos Orduna

Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, Superior General, meets nearly every month with his General Council members as they lead the international Viatorian Community. But this month, General Council members came to him, in Las Vegas, where Fr. Egan lives.

General Council members include: Fr. Claudio Rios, CSV, from Chile who is Vicar General; Fr. André Crozier, CSV, from France, secretary; Fr. Carlos Orduna, CSV, a native of Spain now serving in the Ivory Coast; and Br. Richard-Benoit Tremblay, CSV, of Canada.

Interspersed with their meetings was some sightseeing — and not of the iconic Las Vegas strip. Instead, they visited a pair of institutions run by Viatorians: Cristo Rey St. Viator College Preparatory High School and St. Viator Catholic Community.

CRSV students chat with Fr. Rios, left, and Fr. Egan after Mass.

Viatorians opened Cristo Rey St. Viator in 2019. Led by Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, and Br. Carlos Flórez, CSV, they realized a goal at the start of this academic year, of having all four classes (freshmen — seniors) enrolled in the first four years of the school.

Their visit to the school included concelebrating an all-school Mass with Fr. von Behren, celebrating the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Council members especially enjoyed meeting some of the students at the end of Mass, when they came up to greet their Viatorian visitors.

Next, it was time for a tour. Senior Job Sanchez served as their tour guide. He will be among the first class to graduate from CRSV, and he also attended the Viatorian Youth Congress over the summer, where he learned even more about the Viatorian charism.

“The school is excellent in its facilities and organization,” Fr. Rios said. “Fr. Tom and Br Carlos have instilled the Viatorian spirit into the school, and it is a wonderful community of very close and friendly teachers.

Fr. Richard Rinn, center, welcomes General Council members.

“I was pleasantly impressed by our student guide, Job,” Fr. Rios added. “He was proud of his Viatorian identity and he told us how much the school had helped him in his personal development.”

From there, General Council members visited St. Viator Catholic Community, which Viatorians opened more than 60 years ago and has been led for the last 23 years by Fr. Richard Rinn, CSV, as pastor.

“It is a community alive in its faith — and one that shares it,” Fr. Rios commented. “Parishioners who approached us said they were appreciative of all the Viatorians, and especially of Fr. Rinn.”