Br. Jhobany Orduz, CSV, has taught college engineering classes, and math and physics at Colegio San Viator in Bogotá. But working with high school students, in planning retreats, liturgies and service opportunities is all new to him.

Br. Jhobany Orduz, far right, was among these Viatorians who accompanied students at the Service & Song Camp.
“I’m nervous and excited at the same time,” he says.
This semester, Br. Jhobany begins working part time in Campus Ministry at Saint Viator High School. The field work is part of his ministry practicum that he needs to complete for his Master’s in Divinity at Catholic Theological Union.
Not to worry, Br. Jhobany. Saint Viator students have your back.
Over the summer, Br. Jhobany accompanied teams of students at both the Service & Song Camp at Saint Viator High School and the Viatorian Youth Congress last month in Bourbonnais, where he accompanied the Saint Viator delegation, which included students actively involved in Campus Ministry.

Br. Jhobany, right, drives delegates during a pilgrimage as part of VYC.
“After VYC, they wrote me notes saying they will make sure I feel comfortable once I start in Campus Ministry,” Br. Jhobany says. “They were really welcoming.”
Br. Jhobany came to the Viatorians as a trained civil engineer with degrees in roads and infrastructure, education administration, management and finances.
Prior to joining the community, Br. Jhobany taught engineering students at the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios Uniminuto, in Bogotá and then at Universidad Católica de Colombia, where he served as Director of the Civil Engineering School. Before coming to start his seminary studies this year, he taught math and physics at Colegio San Viator in Bogotá, and he also worked as the Administrative Manager of the School.
“As part of my practicum, I’m hoping to get practical experience in ministry,” Br. Jhobany says, “and learn new skills as I prepare for the priesthood.

Br. Jhobany, back left, with the SVHS delegation at VYC.
“Coming from Colombia to help in the US is a challenge that I want to live,” he adds. “I know closely the issues that the society lives, mainly with migrants, poverty, environment, and people on periphery, whom Pope Francis is inviting us to go to.”
Ultimately, Br. Jhobany believes this experience will help him transmit sensitivity to the students regarding these social issues.