Nearly 60 years after Viatorians arrived in Haiti to do missionary work, the first Haitian has been installed as Superior General of the worldwide Viatorian Community.

Fr. Robert M. Egan, right, warmly congratulates Fr. Nestor Fils-Aimė after his profession of faith.
Fr. Nestor Fils-Aimė, CSV, made his profession of faith on Sept. 1, the anniversary of the death of the founder of the Viatorians, Fr. Louis Querbes. The historic installation took place at St. Bonnet Church in Vourles, France, where Fr. Querbes first served as pastor. An international group of Viatorians gathered to celebrate the installation, including Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, former Superior General and current Provincial of the Province of Chicago.
They started the day at the gravesite of Fr. Querbes, located in Vourles, where they prayed, sang and reflected on his legacy. A Eucharistic celebration followed in which Fr. Nestor made his profession of faith, which was received by Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, outgoing Superior General.
During his homily, Fr. Nestor emphasized that his election as Superior General was a call to service. To further drive home this point, he had Fr. Egan distribute aprons to himself and to the new general councilors present.

Fr. Nestor with his General Council, (L-R) Fr. Gerardo Soto, Fr. Victor Camara and Fr. Fredy Contreras. Br. Darius Amani was unable to attend.
They included: Fr. Victor Camara, CSV, from the Province of Spain, the Vicar General; Fr. Gerardo Soto, CSV, from the Province of Chile and Fr. Fredy Contreras, CSV, from Tunja, Colombia. Only Br. Darius Armani, CSV, from the Foundation of Ivory Coast was unable to attend.
Fr. Nestor first met the Viatorians when the Viatorians in Canada expanded to include a foundation in Haiti. He entered the congregation in 1986 and was among the first two Haitian Viatorians to be ordained, in 1988. He has worked in educational and parish ministry, but in recent years he has served as Provincial Superior of the Province of Canada (2014-2023).

Fr. Mark Francis, center, was among the international Viatorians present.
The installation and Mass was followed by a festive meal in the municipal “Hall of Celebrations” in Vourles.