During Lent, our podcast Viatorian Voices: Conversations on the Way is exploring Viatorian spirituality, and we begin with part one of our three-part series – published today – which digs into the spirituality of our founder, the Venerable Louis Querbes.

Much of what we experience in our Catholic, Viatorian communities today is rooted in the spirituality that Fr. Querbes articulated and shared with the first Viatorians. Through his writings and the lived tradition of our community, we continue to reflect on it and live it out today.

This episode begins with lively introductions to Fr. Querbes from our panel of Viatorians, including the primary panelist for this episode, Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial, as well as Associate Dan Masterton.

“I think Fr. Querbes’ spirituality is very practical and is almost a lay person’s spirituality. He’s very concerned about his people, who at the beginning were all lay people. He was concerned that they could reach out to people and really communicate the love of God and the joy of being a Christian,” Fr. Francis said.

Drawing on their Viatorian formation, additional professed Viatorians and Viatorian associates from our panel introduce listeners further to Fr. Querbes.

“Fr. Querbes had crazy ideas, but crazy for the Gospel and for living out who Christ is calling people to be. He started with a couple guys and now it’s been around almost 200 years – serving young people and serving people on the margins,” Fr. John Eustice, CSV said.

“His spirituality is as needed today as it was in his time: helping people accounted of little or no importance. That’s right here in what we do and stand for, and it’s what’s needed right now,” Associate Michelle Barrie said.

“He encouraged Viatorians to live out an ardent and disinterested zeal – to live for God and serve God in all we do. So we strive to adore and love Jesus and do everything the best we can,” Associate Ann Perez said.

“He’s a guy who was destined for rank, position, and privilege in the French Church, and then he saw a need – for lay people to be more involved. He was ahead of his time. Even in the 1800s, he tapped into these people he had around him, and it turned out that good people – with or without a collar – can participate in mission,” Pre-Associate Pat McGarry said.

Hear all the reflections from our full panel in Episode 83 of Viatorian Voices by watching the video on YouTube or listening to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. As you finish the episode, we invite you to pause and reflect, perhaps using these reflection questions from the episode, which are also found in the video description and podcast episode notes:

  • What does it mean for you and to you to make Jesus adored and loved?
  • What makes your life of faith lively? How can you turn to Scripture, spiritual reading, faith-sharing, faith-filled friends, companions, and mentors, and other meaningful sources to enlighten your faith?
  • What does zeal look and feel like for you? How can you practice it in your life of faith?
  • How do you struggle to trust in Providence? How are you able to trust in God?

Stay tuned for Part 2 on the Viatorian Spirituality of Ministry on Monday, March 24 and Part 3 on the Viatorian Spirituality of Prayer on Monday, April 7.