The Great North American Eclipse took place today drawing millions of people outdoors, to don their protective viewing glasses to see the rare astronomical event — including at places where Viatorians minister.

Fr. Corey Brost, back row, middle, watches with VHH participants.
At Viator House of Hospitality, Fr. Corey Brost, CSV, went outside with several participants — from different countries in Central America and Africa — to enjoy the near total eclipse.
“It was so fun to see people from different countries all watching this rare event together,” said Bishop Christopher Glancy, CSV, who snapped their photo.
At Saint Viator High School, science teachers prepared a PowerPoint presentation that showed students exactly what would happen during the eclipse, and why. A little after 1:p.m., the entire student body, teachers and staff headed outdoors with their viewing glasses to see the eclipse for themselves.
Viatorians at the Province Center also went outdoors to watch the eclipse. Standing on a deck that overlooks the spacious grounds, they noticed not only its darkening effect causing a drop in temperature, but at the time of near totality all the birds stopped chirping and dogs at nearby houses were barking.

Br. Michael Gosch points to the eclipse, with Fr. Alejandro Adame, Fr. Edgar Suarez and Br. Frank Enciso
The rare cosmic event even drew three Viatorians from Colombia, staying at the Province Center this week for a meeting, to go outside and view the eclipse. It was a notable experience for them, since most of the eclipse was not viewable in their native country. Fr. Alejandro Adame, CSV, Fr. Frank Enciso, CSV, and Fr. Edgar Suarez, CSV, all watched the event with Br. Michael Gosch, CSV.
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon perfectly aligns with the sun, casting a shadow over the planet and turning day into twilight. This rare eclipse was dubbed the Great North American Eclipse because the totality was viewable across Canada, mainland United States and Mexico. It is the last visible eclipse here until 2044.