As we celebrate the Triduum, we enter the three most sacred days of
our liturgical year. We experience, not as passive observers, but as participants, the final days of Jesus before his resurrection.
It is so fitting that we celebrate Easter at this time of year. New life is springing forth all around us. Trees are budding, the first flowers are making their way into view. All of this brings a new sense of hope and life after a long and dreary gray winter.
My hope is that for each of us, as we reflect on the resurrected Christ, we also ask ourselves how Christ will be reborn in each of our lives. How can we make Christ more real in a very broken world?
Most of us know that we may not be able to change the world, but we can have an impact in our small part of the world, whether that is in our workplace, our home or our classroom.
We may not be able to do everything, but each of us has the capacity to do something to make our part of the world a better place.
If enough of us do that, the entire world changes and Christ is more present in all of our lives.
I pray that you and your family have a faith-filled and blessed Easter season.
Fr. Daniel R. Hall, CSV
Clerics of St. Viator, Chicago Province