Spring is officially here and brings with it light, blooms, and, for some, warmer days. For gardeners or farmers, this new season is shaped by germination and cultivation, the necessary preparation for growth. Members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, including the Viatorians believe there is a lesson here for justice and peace work, too.
As Kayla Jacobs remarks in the homily reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, “When we allow ourselves to be cultivated by God’s love and being ‘His people’ (Jeremiah 31:33) we are in the right condition to serve the poor, comfort the afflicted, bury the dead, visit the sick and imprisoned, and to bear wrongs patiently.”
In its latest Justice & Peace Alert, CMSM members explore racial justice, vaccine equity and express disappointment with the Biden Administration’s decision not to increase the historically low number of refugees who can be resettled in the United States for the current fiscal year.
Find details on all of these issues, here.