Just when it seemed that everything in education had turned upside down, officials at Cristo Rey St. Viator in Las Vegas found something to smile about: They accepted their first student for their new freshman

Justin Anaya holds up his acceptance letter, with Br. Carlos Flórez by his side.
class of the 2021-2022 school year. The school is growing its population one year at a time, consequently this young man is the start of the school’s third class.
Justin Anaya is presently an 8th grade student at St. Christopher Elementary School in North Las Vegas. His older brother, Higinio, is a sophomore at Cristo Rey St. Viator, making Justin not only the first to be accepted into his class, but the first younger sibling to join the school.
Br. Carlos Flórez, CSV, Director of Recruitment and Admissions, worked with Justin and his family for the past three weeks, assisting them with the application, financial verification steps and interview process. Br. Rob Robertson, CSV, Counselor, and Associate Deborah Perez, Director of the Corporate Work Study Program, also participated in the student’s interview.
“We were really impressed with Justin and feel he will be a great student at Cristo Rey St. Viator,” Br. Rob said.
Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, President, welcomed Justin in person and shared how happy he was that he was following his brother’s footsteps.
However, it was Br. Carlos who put it all into context, saying: “The mission of Fr. Querbes here in North Las Vegas continues, even in the midst of a pandemic.”