A packet of flower seeds. That was one of the takeaways, literally, that faculty and staff at Cristo Rey St. Viator came away with Monday after an opening Mass during their professional development week.

Fr. Tom von Behren celebrates Mass.
With the start of the school year approaching, Fr. Tom von Behren, CSV, and Br. Carlos Florez, CSV, Director of Catholic & Viatorian Identity, planned the special liturgy.
In his homily, Fr. Tom encouraged faculty and staff members to heed Jesus’ words in the gospel, to plant seeds in their students.
“How they grow as we sleep and work is unknown, but we see the produce,” Fr. Tom said. “It is the same with our work with our students. We plant seeds every day, but what seeds do we want to ensure are planted within our students? Seeds of compassion, love, empathy and forgiving hearts.
“We start a new school year and will plant seeds. God will see them through,” he added. “Let’s embrace our mission with hope.”
Afterwards, as a way to underscore that message, each person received a packet of seeds.
Cristo Rey St. Viator is starting its sixth academic year. Consequently, Fr. Tom — the school’s founding president — wanted to emphasize the impact faculty and staff members have on CRSV students.

Faculty and staff join in saying the Our Father.
The school is modeled in the Cristo Rey — and Viatorian — tradition. Students are immersed in a rigorous, college preparatory curriculum and take part in its innovative Corporate Work Study program. Through this combination of experiential learning, students develop skills to be successful in college, the workplace and life.
The school’s mission is to challenge its students to grow academically, professionally, and spiritually, so that they can become people of faith, purpose and service.