As the founding president of Cristo Rey St. Viator, Fr. Tom von Behren, CSV, regularly returns to celebrate Mass with the school community, but Sunday he presided over a family Mass that drew not only students but their parents and in some cases, grandparents to come.

Fr. Tom von Behren preaches to the assembly.
“We had a full house in attendance, which spoke loudly as an example of who we are as a Catholic community,” said Br. Carlos Florez, CSV, Director of Catholic & Viatorian identity, “students, parents and grandparents sharing in the same values and same faith by celebrating the marvelous things that God has done for us through Jesus Christ and the church.”
The Mass also offered a special opportunity to commission six students as Eucharistic ministers, so that they can serve the school community through this special ministry.
As part of the commissioning, these students were called to be examples of Christian living, in faith and conduct, Br. Carlos said, and they were urged to strive to grow in holiness through this sacrament of unity and love.

Newly commissioned Eucharistic ministers
“As Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion,” he added, “our six students were reminded that most importantly they must be living signs of the Lord’s commandment to love one another, as Christ loves them.”
At the conclusion of the Mass, Fr. Tom offered a special blessing for the parents and grandparents in attendance, saying: “May you continue to learn and grow with us day by day, praying that they have ‘length of days’ and the great joy in the everlasting life in Jesus, Our Lord.”