These days, Viatorians in the Province Center celebrate Mass in what normally serves as the reading room, while the chapel undergoes a renovation. But not even a temporary chapel could diminish the hope and joy today, on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Fr. Mark Francis visits with Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of Guadalupe.
There even were roses, just as there were more than 450 years ago when the Mexican peasant, Juan Diego, brought them to the bishop as a sign of the Blessed Virgin’s appearance.
“It is with great joy that we have gathered on this day to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe,” said Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial, at the Mass celebrated in Spanish. “Our Lady, Mother of God and our Mother, has always been concerned about all her sons and daughters. She continues with her maternal work of listening to the pleas, the sorrows, the joys and the concerns of all of us.”
Seated in the first row were members of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of Guadalupe, who have partnered with the Viatorians for more than 60 years. Consequently, their feast day is a day to reflect on their joint ministries and renew their vows.
For the celebration, Fr. Francis wore a special chasuble for the celebration, highlighted with an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the center — just as Juan Diego’s cloak bore her image in his final appearance before the bishop — and trimmed with roses around the cuffs of his sleeves.

Fr. John Eustice celebrates Mass with Spanish students
Feast day celebrations took many forms across the Province. At Saint Viator High School, Associate Kurt Paprocki took all six of his Spanish classes to celebrate Mass — in Spanish — in the Alumni Memorial Chapel. First, they had to read read the full story in Spanish and discuss the religious and cultural importance of this apparition
They came during different periods of the day, but all the feast day liturgies were celebrated by Viatorians, including Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, Fr. John Eustice, CSV, and Fr. Edgar Suarez, CSV, with Br. Jhobany Orduz, CSV, as deacon.
“This is a highlight of the school year for me,” Kurt said. “Our students get the opportunity to see Mass in a different way and they see that, even though this celebration is centered in Mexico City, they’re invited to participate in this important feast day within our own Saint Viator community, as well.

Fr. Dan Belanger describes the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe to St. Viator School children.
At St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas, a shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe was set up in the parish courtyard on the eve of the feast day, that drew hundreds of pilgrims before Fr. Dan Belanger celebrated Mass on the feast day with schoolchildren.
At Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais, Fr. Jason Nesbit, CSV, and his staff invited parishioners to a lunch, where they watched a movie to learn more about Our Lady of Guadalupe, who she revealed herself as the Mother of God and of all humanity when she appeared to Juan Diego on a hill in Mexico in 1531.