Viatorians Endorse New Way Forward Act

Viatorians Endorse New Way Forward Act

Viatorians joined with members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men in endorsing the “New Way Forward” Act, which would help restore fundamental principles of due process and compassion to a deeply unjust immigration system. Sponsored by U.S. Representatives...
Asylum Seekers Becoming Increasingly Desperate

Asylum Seekers Becoming Increasingly Desperate

A story in the Washington Post demonstrates how desperate asylum seekers are getting as they spend months and months in tent cities in Mexico, awaiting for their cases to be heard. As writer Kevin Seiff documents, children are getting sick as the weather gets more...
Marriott’s Green Program Hurts Housekeeping Staff

Marriott’s Green Program Hurts Housekeeping Staff

When Marriott announced its Green Program as a way to help the environment and lead to sustainability, it was a veiled attempt at covering up cutbacks, say hospitality employees and members of the Unite Here union, based in New York. Viatorians agree and add that when...