Taking a Stand Against Solitary Confinement

Taking a Stand Against Solitary Confinement

Viatorians join with the Washington-based Coalition on Human Needs in exposing the growing jail crisis in rural America — and it starts with the continued use of solitary confinement. In a story published this month in CHN’s Voices for Human Needs, intern...
Taking a Stand Against Mass Incarceration

Taking a Stand Against Mass Incarceration

Jails and prisons don’t make us safer — but investing in our communities does. Law enforcement is using fear to stop transformation and justice all over the country, but most recently and urgently in New York. For years communities fought hard and won...
In Support of the Faith 4 Asylum Campaign

In Support of the Faith 4 Asylum Campaign

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men and its Interfaith Immigration Coalition — that include many Catholic organizations — launched its Faith 4 Asylum campaign with mobilizing vigils the last week of January. They are working in collaboration with...