Condemning Racism and Xenophobia during Pandemic

Condemning Racism and Xenophobia during Pandemic

The Viatorian Community joins members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men and the U. S. Catholic Conference of Bishops in acknowledging the disproportionate impact the coronavirus has had on African American communities. They also condemn xenophobia against...
A Requiem for Ahmaud Arbery

A Requiem for Ahmaud Arbery

In the wake of the Feb. 23, 2020 shooting of Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed African American man who was jogging in an Atlanta suburb, the organization, Faithful America, fights back against this potential hate crime. Organization leaders are promoting a video by the Rev....
Modern Slavery and the Pandemic

Modern Slavery and the Pandemic

While COVID-19 dominates conversation and the world is in lockdown, human trafficking is far from people’s minds. Human trafficking thrives because it is a hidden crime. Officials with the London-based Stop the Traffic organization are trying to get the full picture,...
A Catholic Response to COVID-19 Behind Bars

A Catholic Response to COVID-19 Behind Bars

Viatorians join with other faith leaders in sending a message of solidarity to currently and formerly incarcerated individuals, their loved ones and those who are charged with their care. Pope Francis urges all of us not to forget those in prison and detention. No...
Another Successful Ramadan Fundraiser

Another Successful Ramadan Fundraiser

A Cook County Commissioner, a Viatorian priest and a group of Muslim women all came together this week, on the one-year anniversary of a successful fundraiser to help unaccompanied young migrants, held during the holy season of Ramadan. It was something of a first...