Racism is a Pandemic Too

Racism is a Pandemic Too

The Viatorian Community supports this statement on the George Floyd murder, the anti-racism movement, and the anti-police brutality uprsing. It was posted June 15 by the Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America: How long, O Lord, must I call for help? But...
Exposing Child Labor Used in Producing Chocolate

Exposing Child Labor Used in Producing Chocolate

According to the Washington-based Green America, there are an estimated 150 million children involved in child labor globally. And  there are over 2 million child laborers growing the cocoa that goes into the chocolate you see on store shelves. Child laborers in cocoa...
Yemen Remains a Humanitarian Disaster

Yemen Remains a Humanitarian Disaster

In writing for Voices for Creative Nonviolence, founder Kathy Kelly cites grim statistics of how the war in Yemen has affected its people, most alarmingly its children. “An entire generation of Yemeni children has suffered the traumas of war, many of them...
Black Lives are Sacred, Black Lives Matter

Black Lives are Sacred, Black Lives Matter

The Viatorian Community joins with members of NETWORK — made up of advocates for social justice, inspired by Catholic sisters — in honoring the fundamental dignity of all life. Sr. Simone Campbell, SSS, executive director of NETWORK, joined faith leaders...
Yemen Remains a Humanitarian Disaster

Equal Treatment for All

COVID-19 is clarifying a significant source of global anger and angst: inequality. In a post published June 7 on the Voices for Creative Nonviolence website, Dr. Yakim Young, who lives and works in Afghanistan, writes about how the pandemic has revealed how our...