Voting Our Values

Voting Our Values

As we prepare to vote this fall, the following are some of the basic principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Which candidates or party best represents these? Which of these do we consider when we vote? The list of values was compiled by the Social Justice Resource...
Debunking the Myths about Human Trafficking

Debunking the Myths about Human Trafficking

One of the priorities of the Viatorian Community is to fight human trafficking. Consequently, the community actively supports efforts by the Polaris Project in fighting all forms of human slavery. Since 2007, Polaris has operated the U.S. National Human Trafficking...
The Power of Restorative Justice

The Power of Restorative Justice

Viatorians join with members of the Catholic Mobilizing Network in opposing the death penalty. Their efforts are particularly heightened on Aug. 14, when Catholics celebrate the feast day of St. Maximilian Kolbe  who in 1941 sacrificed his life in place of another in...
Recapping a Reflection on Racial Justice

Recapping a Reflection on Racial Justice

Earlier this month, members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men gathered with observers for its annual National Assembly. Under the theme, “Repentance and Reconciliation: Taking Action to Transform the World,” Sulpician Fr. Tom Ulshafer and New Orleans...