Relic of St. Alphonsus Liguori Uncovered

Relic of St. Alphonsus Liguori Uncovered

One of the last projects Br. Donald Houde, CSV, worked on before he passed away Sept. 29 was to identify the latest relic he uncovered at the Viatorian Province Center, where he lived in retirement the last 19 years. After his passing, the relic and a magnifying glass...
Meet Associates Anthony and Tommy Gugino

Meet Associates Anthony and Tommy Gugino

Anthony and Tommy Gugino may only be 28, but they are wise beyond their years when describing how their experiences in the Viatorian Youth Congress — and growing up in a Viatorian parish in Las Vegas — fueled their faith lives. Both now are active...
Viatorians Around the World Celebrate St. Viator Day

Viatorians Around the World Celebrate St. Viator Day

Today, Viatorians around the world pause to reflect on their feast day, remembering the 4th century saint whom Fr. Louis Querbes chose to be the patron of his new religious order. Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, Superior General summed up the day this way at a feast day Mass...