Reflections on Viatorian Youth Congress

Reflections on Viatorian Youth Congress

The 15th Viatorian Youth Congress wrapped up last week after bringing together more than 40 high school delegates, 15 young adult leaders and more than one dozen Viatorians. In taking one last look at the experience, two of its young adult leaders — Trevor Lyon,...
New House of Discernment Nearly Open

New House of Discernment Nearly Open

The final touches of the Viatorian House of Discernment are in place, with 45 historic photos framed and mounted in groups, by location, on the second floor hallway of the Province Center. The display gives a visual timeline of the Viatorians coming to the United...
Oh, Happy Day: Newest Viatorian Priest is Ordained

Oh, Happy Day: Newest Viatorian Priest is Ordained

In a moment packed with emotion, nostalgia and grace, Fr. John Eustice, CSV, returned to his home parish of St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Henderson, NV, for his ordination to the priesthood. This sacrament of Holy Orders took place June 8 and a whole host of...
Associate Kurt Paprocki Recognized by His Peers

Associate Kurt Paprocki Recognized by His Peers

Associate Kurt Paprocki teaches all levels of Spanish at Saint Viator High School and he moderates the Spanish Club. But that’s just part of his role. He often accompanies students on retreats, leads them on international trips and he connects them with...