This New Addition Brings Joy to the Whole Parish

This New Addition Brings Joy to the Whole Parish

One year after losing his beloved dog, Sox, Fr. Richard Rinn, CSV, is smiling again with his new puppy, Nellie. Like her predecessor, Nellie is a white Westie and already she has charmed the entire parish. She arrived in January at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las...
Students Turn Out to Feed the Hungry

Students Turn Out to Feed the Hungry

Cars began lining up early Friday at Bishop McNamara Catholic High School in Kankakee. For the first time, the school hosted a pop-up food distribution — and they fed more than 1,400 people, including 115 children. “With inflation rising, the numbers of...
The General Council and Angels Unaware

The General Council and Angels Unaware

Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, Superior General and members of his General Council met this week in Rome for their first meeting — in person — in nearly two years. Yet, even as they gather to discuss matters related to the worldwide Viatorian Community —...