St. Patrick Youth Give Back

St. Patrick Youth Give Back

For more than 20 years, Associates Ken and Michelle Barrie have worked in youth ministry at St. Patrick Church in Kankakee. Their Hearts of Hope Youth Ministry program now involves teens from surrounding parishes as well, and increasingly draws junior high students to...
Go Back in History with Fr. Arnold Perham

Go Back in History with Fr. Arnold Perham

He is the senior member of the Viatorian Community in this country, and a career mathematician who has inspired countless students. But it’s not vectors and equations that Fr. Arnold Perham, CSV, shares in this podcast episode. It’s his story. And...
Fr. John Van Wiel and his Art Work Draw a Crowd

Fr. John Van Wiel and his Art Work Draw a Crowd

The way Fr. John Van Wiel, CSV, describes it, he took up painting more than 20 years ago, while on a silent retreat. But what started out as a way to express images of God’s creation, has turned into something of a second career after his 40 years in education....
Moving Day Comes to the Province Center

Moving Day Comes to the Province Center

After more than a year of planning, movers arrived today at the Viatorian Province Center in Arlington Heights to begin packing up furniture in the residence wing. Let the renovation begin! While the footprint of the wing will not change, the six-months of...