Vocation Ministry: Seek and Ye Shall Find

Vocation Ministry: Seek and Ye Shall Find

Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, and members of the Vocation Ministry Team are going right to the source. They arrived this week in Salt Lake City, site of the 2025 edition of SEEK, sponsored by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, or FOCUS. The massive convention...
My Religious Life in Three Photos

My Religious Life in Three Photos

A series of YouTube videos feature a unique challenge put to members of the Viatorian Vocation Team: Select three photos that capture your religious life. The three-minute videos include Fr. Dan Belanger, CSV, Fr. John Eustice, CSV, Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, Br. Jhobany...
New Year, New Role for Fr. Edgar Suarez

New Year, New Role for Fr. Edgar Suarez

Fr. Edgar Suarez, CSV, arrived in Las Vegas Sunday, this time to stay. While he has made several visits over the last six months, he now has moved in and will begin immersing himself in his new parish, St. Viator Catholic Community, in preparation to assume the role...
Christmas: Learning to Identify God’s Presence

Christmas: Learning to Identify God’s Presence

      It often happens that Christmas good feelings and sentimentality mask the deeper message that God’s scandalous decision “to become like us in all things but sin” conveys by the Nativity. An ancient responsorial chant, O Magnum Mysterium,...