Happy Birthday, Fr. Dan Hall

Happy Birthday, Fr. Dan Hall

Some of the delegates at the General Chapter in Rome took a break Monday from their plenary sessions to celebrate one of their own, Fr. Dan Hall. With his birthday on July 7, a group of Viatorians from this country and Colombia took him out to dinner for the occasion....
Together They Created Sacred Space

Together They Created Sacred Space

When Fr. Dan Belanger, CSV, gathered last month with members of the St. George Parish Garden Club — for one of his last parties before heading to his new assignment in Las Vegas — they all donned specially designed T-shirts, calling themselves “Pot...
No Matter Where They Are, Viatorians Find Each Other

No Matter Where They Are, Viatorians Find Each Other

What are the chances? While vacationing in Rome and wandering around one of its most popular tourist destinations, the Trevi Fountain, Br. Peter Lamick, CSV; Br. Jhobany Orduz, CSV; and Br. Rob Robertson, CSV, ran into Viatorian Associate Brigette Brankin, and her...
Cristo Rey Institute Nets Two National Donations

Cristo Rey Institute Nets Two National Donations

The Clerics of St. Viator is one of three religious communities to work together in founding the Cristo Rey Institute. This new organization — which is based at the Viatorian Province Center in Arlington Heights, IL — is a pontifical public juridic person...