by edaday | Jun 26, 2023 | News Archives
Viatorians have served at Maternity BVM Parish since the end of the Civil War, and that long commitment was on full display June 25, as another Viatorian took one more step closer to the priesthood. Br. John Eustice, CSV, was ordained a transitional deacon, completing...
by edaday | Jun 22, 2023 | News Archives
Within weeks of the last day of classes at St. Viator Parish School in Las Vegas, jackhammers began their work. The extensive demolition included breaking up sidewalks outside of the classrooms, that surrounded the school’s courtyard. This was the first step in...
by edaday | Jun 20, 2023 | News Archives, Peace & Justice
What started out as a small herb garden in 2010, on the grounds of the Viatorian Province Center, has grown into a thriving community garden, with multiple families, organizations, teams and other faith communities participating. It was Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV, who...
by edaday | Jun 19, 2023 | News Archives
Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV. celebrates not one but three milestones this month: his 85th birthday on Sunday, 50 years of priesthood and 60 years as a Viatorian. In reflecting on his journey since joining the Viatorians in 1963, Fr. Bolser crafted this reflection, which...
by edaday | Jun 14, 2023 | News Archives
Golfers turned out Monday to Wynstone Golf Club in suburban North Barrington for Saint Viator High School’s 28th annual Million Dollar Classic. For nearly three decades, alumni, parents and supporters have joined with coaches and athletic staff members to raise...
by edaday | Jun 13, 2023 | News Archives
Br. John Eustice, CSV, will be ordained a transitional deacon June 25 as he continues his journey toward ordination. But earlier this month he completed his unit in clinical pastoral education (CPE), as required by the Viatorian Community, and it was powerful. Br....