Reflections on an Encounter with Pope Benedict

Reflections on an Encounter with Pope Benedict

As Pope Benedict is mourned throughout the world, Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial, reflects on the time he met Pope Benedict — in 2005, the same year he was elected to the papacy — and of their brief but memorable conversation. “It took place at...
Christmas Images from Around the Province

Christmas Images from Around the Province

Christmas decorations remain up during these 12 days of Christmas, and before the feast of the Epiphany, at Viatorian parishes and schools around the Province of Chicago. At each location, along with the vivid red poinsettias, Christmas trees and sparkling lights, it...
Christmas Reflection from Fr. Mark Francis, CSV

Christmas Reflection from Fr. Mark Francis, CSV

  Dear friends, As Christmas approaches, I have been reflecting on how much the birth of Jesus was dependent on ordinary people responding in faithful ways to the challenges of their lives. While we read the story of the Nativity, we often forget that Mary and...