Br. John Avellaneda Returns to the Classroom

Br. John Avellaneda Returns to the Classroom

When a need for a substitute to teach Spanish classes arose at Saint Viator High School, administrators didn’t need to look far. Br. John Avellaneda, CSV, a native of Colombia, is living on the third floor of the school while he takes theology classes at...
Viatorians Cheer On the Irish in Style

Viatorians Cheer On the Irish in Style

Notre Dame’s Fighting Irish narrowly beat the Penn State Nittany Lions in Thursday’s Orange Bowl, 27-24 thanks to a last second interception and field goal. But they may have had divine intervention. At the Viatorian Province Center, Fr. Charles Bolser,...
Getting to Know Fr. Edgar Suarez

Getting to Know Fr. Edgar Suarez

It has been less than a month since Fr. Edgar Suarez, CSV, moved to Las Vegas in preparation for becoming the next pastor of St. Viator Catholic Community. Yet, he is not letting any grass grow under his feet. Since arriving, he has met with parishioners, different...
Fr. Mark Francis: Teaching is a Vocation

Fr. Mark Francis: Teaching is a Vocation

Cristo Rey St. Viator faculty members opened the start of their second semester Monday with a morning retreat, led by Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial. In it, he focused on discerning God’s gift to each person and appreciating the larger charism of the...